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Venture Lounge Podcast with Reach Commercial Founder, Cassandra Hartford

We thrilled that our bold leader, Cassandra Hartford, was recently featured on the popular Venture Lounge podcast, presented by Matt Helmintoller of Legacy Angel Network. During the spirited discussion, Cassandra discussed her tale of business, tenacity, community building, and enthusiasm for commercial real estate in Melbourne/Brevard.

Cassandra is already well-known in our community as a real estate entrepreneur and the driving force behind downtown Melbourne's expansion. But in this interview, she revealed her journey from struggling single parent to running her own brokerage before the age of 32. Her advise to others hoping to excel in a male-dominated field such as commercial real estate? Find those who want to retire and become their energetic intern to inherit clients.

Cassandra, who is never satisfied, continues to work to promote affordable housing, support local companies, and mentor new agents. She added that she chose to start Reach Commercial in the renowned Flatiron Building in downtown Melbourne as an opportunity to leave her mark on the area that provided her with one of her first major listings.

Cassandra's large personality shone through with her entertaining personal stories and desire to help other entrepreneurs prosper in our community. According to Matt Helmintoller, she is both "Brevard's leading commercial real estate broker" and "hilarious, with a big heart for her city." We're fortunate to work with someone who is so witty, educated, connected, and committed to bringing out the best in Melbourne.

We recommend that you listen to the entire Venture Lounge episode to better understand the woman behind the Reach Commercial brand and objective. Cassandra's distinctive blend of grit, grace, intelligence, and charm is sure to inspire and entertain. Please let us know if you need any commercial real estate assistance!

- Reach Commercial 


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